Timins Law Group Blog

Second Wives: Reapers of Sorrow, Destroyers of Family Wealth!

In a world where our assets are constantly under threat from usurious taxes, government largess, financial predators and rapacious offspring, there is still NO worse threat to intergenerational family wealth than a second wife.   People get married the first time for any one of a number of reasons: Family pressure, filling a void, the urge to have children, an inexplicable desire to emulate the lives of Al and Peg Bundy and passion.  But these first marriages often end, sometimes with children left in their wake, and are replaced by a second marriage based on love, devotion and emotional security.   In these second (or third) marriages, often one spouse tends to be significantly older and more financially secure than

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The Roadmap to Your Family Should be in Your Will

The cornerstone of Probate, leaving your estate to whomever you want, is almost paradoxical since the process is not as easy as most people think. To the great surprise of heirs that are listed in the Will, the decedent’s descendants (or next closest relatives) must be put on notice during the Probate process to validate the Will. The very concept of the requirement of placing the next of kin on notice is foreign to most clients: Why does a person’s nearest relative, who the Testator may have loathed, still have to be placed on notice of the Probate of the Will, even if that relative is being disinherited? The answer: Our estate laws allow your closest family members the right

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“Name That Witness” (to Your Will)

When you execute your Will you MUST have it witnessed by at least two competent adults who are not beneficiaries in the Will. When you die New York’s Surrogate’s Courts require the names of the witnesses to be listed in the Probate Petition. And so it is nothing short of stupefying to me how many Wills have witness signatures that are completely illegible. This is somewhat understandable if you execute your own Will, since non-attorneys are not in the business of drafting Wills.  The signers of illegible signatures are also more easily identified in the event it was the Testator’s friends or neighbors who signed (and thus the identities of the witnesses are more easily deduced). But many attorneys’ witnesses

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“Don’t Forget About BoBo: Pet Trust for Your Animal Companion”

One of my dearest aging clients have a dog named Bo Bo. Bo Bo is a true companion to this couple: They are in their 90s and have outlived many of their friends, the husband is more mobile than his wife and likes to get physical activity by walking Bo Bo, and the dog is absolutely in love with them. Bo Bo also smells bad, barks at the littlest disturbance, is a manic that constantly jumps on visitors, (and gets slobber and fur on my suit, which needs to be dry cleaned after every single visit) and is begrudgingly tolerated (at best) by anyone other than my clients. Unfortunately,  when my clients pass to the eternal human boneyard, Bo Bo’s

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5 Times You DON’T Pay a Deceased Person’s Credit Card Bill

The weeks immediately following a family member’s death is tense, emotional and stressful; many people rush to handle the departed person’s affairs. This includes paying the deceased person’s debts, since every credit card company comes out of the woodwork the moment the card is cancelled by the survivors. However, many family members pay these bills even though they had no responsibility to do so.   Here are 5 instances when you should NOT pay a deceased person’s debts:   Retirement Plans: Remember that your retirement plans are protected from most creditors, including credit cards. If the decedent died with only retirement plan assets remaining in his name, tell this to the credit card company and don’t pay them anything.  

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What is the New York Public Administrator?

The New York Public Administrator is one of a chosen office of attorneys in each county that the Surrogate’s Court often calls upon to administer to non-standard probates and estate administrations. The Public Administrator generally has the job of handling estates of people who die without a Will and who have no close relatives who are able to administer the estate: If your nearest living relative is a cousin (or more distant) the Public Administrator will need to be placed on notice, and usually handles the estate if there is no Will in these circumstances. In addition, the Public Administrator often replaces initial Executors or Administrators who are unable to qualify or unable to serve due to being felons, having

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3 Ways An Irrevocable Trust Really Isn’t Irrevocable?

As I have discussed in the past, https://www.investopedia.com/advisor-network/articles/only-3-reasons-why-you-should-have-irrevocable-trust/ there are three reasons to create irrevocable trusts. The word “Irrevocable” usually implies no ability to change, and most people believe that a Trustee is required to adhere to the language contained in the irrevocable trust, even though times and circumstances may have changed. Nonetheless, in many circumstances, irrevocable trusts may actually be legally changed, modified or revoked in New York State. ALL PARTIES AGREE TO MODIFY: The first circumstance exists when the Grantor of the Trust is still alive, wants to make a change and ALL the beneficiaries of the Trust agree with the proposed change. In this case, an amendment of the Trust or a revocation can be done –

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5 Reasons to Avoid Giving Small Gifts in Your Will

If you have immediate family members whom you love,  it is assumed you will leave most of your estate to them. In this case, leaving a few hundred dollars to a distant niece or friend is rightly viewed as an unnecessary sign of respect and kindness. But beware: The amount of time, legal fees and other costs associated with giving a $1,000 bequest in your Will can cost as much as leaving a $50,000 to that beneficiary. In fact, leaving small gifts to people using your Will is a sure way to increase your legal fees in New York, oftentimes incurring more expenses to send the gift than the amount of the gift itself:   Cost of Mailing Notice (Required):

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