Many people think of a guardianship as being a legal affair that determines who will raise a minor child (such as a parent, or a non-parent if both parents are unavailable); I shall cover this type of guardianship in the future. A Guardianship Proceeding over a disabled individual essentially takes place when a person can no longer make financial or health care decisions. There are two types of Guardianship Proceedings: Those for minors who have always been disabled and are nearing the age of majority, and those for adults who once had mental capacity but no longer do. For people who are disabled as minors the Guardianship Proceeding takes place under New York’s Surrogate’s Court Procedures Act, Article 17-A (lawyers refer to this as a “SCPA 17
Timins Law Group Blog
Should I Serve as an Executor?
Most client I meet with name their most trusted family member or friend to serve as Executor of their Will when they pass away. Upon their death that person usually does serve; I would say approximately 90% of proposed Executors do serve in this position (if they themselves are still alive). These people think it will be “fun”, or that they “deserve to be in control” of the Probate. And then the wheels fall off: The Executor finds out that the decedent was a hoarder and has to clean out dumpsters of worthless garbage; beneficiaries fight, are impatient and ungrateful; collecting assets is hampered because they weren’t in easy-to-find places; the Executor lives in Los Angeles, but the decedent’s estate is being Probated
“No Contest” Clauses in Wills
No family is perfect. Sometimes a child is mean or indifferent to parents’ needs as they age, while the others go out of their way to help. Though parents / aunts & uncles / grandparents may say they love all of their potential beneficiaries equally, the truth may be different. And (of course) there may be an obvious disincentive to leave the troubled beneficiary equal (if any) proceeds upon passing away. These clients tend to leave a lesser sum of money to the beneficiary in their Will, not realizing that the beneficiary may attack the Will, and line the pockets of a few attorneys and diminish the estate in the process. There has been a good deal of discussion recently surrounding
Simple Dos and Don’ts of Gifting for College Education
Higher education is usuriously expensive. The fact that a child’s education may cost as much as you paid for your first house should highlight the importance of gifting these funds in the correct way. You can pay an unlimited amount of money for a child’s education expenses, provided you pay the money directly to the educational institution. Qualified education expenses are looked at as a benefit to public policy, and therefore do not require the donor to fill in a gift tax return. The funds are also not deducted from your lifetime gift tax exemption, meaning you can continue to gift additional funds without having to assess a tax. Paying a child back for their student loan payments
Keeping Your Trust Private
As followers of my blog know, I am a proponent of passing property using a Trust instead of a Will. While a Will is a contract between the deceased individual and the State in which it is Probated, Trusts are contacts between the Creator and Trustee of the trust. Wills submitted to the Surrogate’s Court are public knowledge (as are the decedent’s assets), while Trusts are private documents. It is this last point that we are discussing here. In order to make a Trust “effective” you have to fund the Trust. The owner on the Deed is now “The John Doe Revocable Trust” (not “John Doe”); the beneficiary of the life insurance policy is likewise the Trust. An unfunded Trust is more effective
When to Contact Your Estate Attorney
Many people figure that once their estate planning documents are executed the estate planning process has ended. From the client’s perspective, several consultations have been attended and a lot of hours have gone into ordering beneficiary designation forms, real estate documents, and the like (unless the client went to an estate chop shop, in which case almost no time has been spent and the significance of the affair has not been realized). From the old school estate attorney’s perspective, the only financially significant moments of the process are during the drafting/execution phase, and entering Probate upon the client’s death, so follow-up appointments are viewed as a waste of time. I find this viewpoint to be both unfortunate and potentially hazardous to client and
When Do I Tell My Children They Are My Financial & Health Agents?
Most people name their children as their agents (or else as successor agents if the client has a spouse). This includes naming a child as a Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy, Executor or Successor Trustee. Of course, the child sometimes doesn’t know about this, and many attorneys do not discuss the topic in depth with the client. Most children don’t even know where their parent’s legal documents are. This can cause confusion, and can lead to their frantic scrambling at crucial times. Knowing when to tell your children they are agents is tricky, and often relies on a case-by-case analysis of the family and the children. Some 21 year olds may be ready to know their role before some 40 year