Tag: Retirement Plans
October 26, 2018 at 2:30 PM NYPL SIBL
May 31, 2016: KIPLINGER
April 21, 2015
Dan is a speaker at Fordham Law School Regarding Planning for Now and into the Future: An Overview of Trusts and Estates and Elder Law
Web Link: Fordham Law School CLE
Downloadable PDF: CLE Material
Your “Inherited IRA” is No Longer Safe
Individual Retirement Accounts are perhaps your most safeguarded and income tax-efficient asset: are deducted from your adjusted gross income for income tax purposes, principal grows tax deferred, and the account is protected from just about any creditor other than a spouse (even in bankruptcy and against lawsuits). At least that was the case until 2014. When a person passes away with an IRA, any beneficiary may take all funds out of the existing IRA as long as they do so within five years. This means all IRA assets are distributed quickly, negating long-term tax deferral and assessing income tax payments on the large distributions. And all funds are now out of the IRA, so they are no longer protected. A
May 2010
Dan Presents: Retirement Plans and the See Through Trust at the Westchester Women’s Bar Association